Aug 12

The dust settles – pterygiums grow in size – hair grows back – hair recedes  – teenagers cheat – shoulders peel – kids get jobs – wax melts – grazes heal – dings are repaired – art is hung on walls – basically, a shit load of shit happens every day at Thomas Surfboards, and even more shitloads of shit happen in a year and a half, which is how long it’s been since we left our Eumundi Rd residence. In its time, the old factory was our own little piece of paradise, and now it’s a servo selling petty for $1.79 a litre. Memories of it are hazy – and how much that has to do with Doobie Dan 'working' next door, we’re not sure. Ask any of our staff what it was like back then and their reminiscent half smiles and clouded eyes act as a kind of forehead-signpost that indicates a high level of nostalgia. No one denies it was a bit of a shit-show at times - Doc’s shaping odour was stronger, Jake was more cramped, the grommets were more stoned and everyone sweat a lot more - but nor does anyone deny loving it. Doc and Jake agree that the Eumundi Rd days are remembered in fondness, but neither of them miss arriving to work to find it flooded after rain, or the birds who shit all over new boards in the glassing shed. 

Below is a roll of film that got us thinking about Eumundi Rd, courtesy of Liv (@rare____visuals).